How we work with responsibility

It is important for us as a law firm to make a positive difference for both our clients and the society and world around us. This involves taking responsibility and acting responsibly – always with respect for the legal community and our values. Therefore, we work with a range of concrete initiatives and targeted efforts that we believe make a difference.


In 2016, we joined the UN’s Global Compact, the world’s largest initiative for corporate responsibility. Here at NJORD, we commit to adhering to a working diligently with 10 principles in responsible corporate governance, including human rights, labor rights, climate and environment, and anti-corruption.


In 2016, we adopted the Association of Danish Law Firms (Danske Advokater) Lawyer’s Code of Conduct. A set of values based on five principles for a law firm’s work with social responsibility. The five principles are Social Responsibility, Ethical Dilemmas, Modern Leadership, Diversity, and Openness. Our adherence to the code means that we actively work with the five principles and have formulated internal guidelines for our own CSR principles. Guidelines that all our employees should always strive to act in accordance with.


Our employees are our most important resource, and it is our responsibility to take good care of them. Therefore, we implement measures to ensure a healthy physical and mental work environment in the company, including annual satisfaction surveys, risk assessments, ongoing well-being measurements, and established action plans for handling stress, absence due to illness, and accidents in the workplace.

While we are dedicated to our work, we see our employees as whole individuals with individual needs and lives outside the office. Therefore, we maintain a flexible and accommodating approach to working hours, requirements, and expectations, creating the best conditions for a healthy work-life balance.


We see diversity and inclusion as strengths. Therefore, one of our most important ambitions is to ensure an inclusive workplace where there is room for all individuals across gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, disability, etc. And, of course, with zero tolerance for discrimination, bullying, and harassment. We make room for people who find it difficult to establish themselves in the job market. Every year, we facilitate several internships and employ individuals with wage subsidies with the aim of permanent employment.

At the same time, we prioritize investing in initiatives that contribute to inclusion and support minority groups.


We actively support various organizations, projects, and initiatives either financially or pro bono. This includes, among others, the Danish Cancer Society, Amnesty International, Red Barnet, DCA Actalliance, Repair Café, Unconventional Ventures, and UN Women. In addition to our support for established organizations, we allocate resources to provide legal advice and assistance to Ukrainian refugees seeking temporary residence or asylum in Denmark.

We also engage in promoting entrepreneurship and innovation by helping and supporting startup companies through collaboration with various organizations.

Carbon neutral
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In recent years, we have focused on combating and raising awareness about digital offenses. We have worked pro bono and assisted in various cases, while also collaborating with the government to strengthen penalties in the field and ensure higher compensation for victims. Additionally, we have contributed to establishing the knowledge center 'Digitalt Ansvar,' which works towards a safe and responsible digital development, aiming to prevent digital violence and help victims of digital violence.


As a modern company, we need to keep pace with technological advancements and ensure that our employees have the opportunity to do the same. Therefore, we are engaged in specific initiatives aimed at ensuring a responsible and effective implementation of AI technology in our business. These initiatives include the formation of an IT committee, the development of employee onboarding, and the formulation of a policy in this area.


Every year, we calculate our total CO2 emissions (using Climate Extender), which we continuously offset through investments in solar and wind energy. Additionally, we work with a range of principles and initiatives to reduce our climate and environmental impact, including:

  • Actively reducing travel activities by digitizing meetings
  • Sorting of waste and recycling
  • Technical solutions to decrease electricity consumption
  • Reduction of plastic and paper usage
  • Minimization of food waste
  • NJORD bicycles available for employees during working hours
  • Compensating for IT licenses by planting approximately 2,400 trees annually in Danish forests
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